Staying Healthy With Regular Care

  quote_habitCan you believe it’s already 2015? I sure can’t…but I’m also still wondering what happened to September. Nevertheless, the New Year is here, and many of us are making resolutions of what we want to do, and who we want to become over the next year. New Year’s Resolutions are tricky, and like we mentioned last week, it’s important to set realistic goals for yourself. This week I want to talk about a resolution that I think we all need to make for ourselves…and that is a commitment to your health.

As an acupuncturist and general wellness provider, the most common question I get asked is “how many treatments until I get better?” or “how long do I have to come to acupuncture/massage for?” Well, I’m going to give you a long-winded answer that all comes back to the importance of healthcare after your initial complaint gets alleviated…or just maintaining health rather than constantly trying to attain it.

97296e462f445392cd8c709236dcb57cHere at Stream Point Wellness, we offer a slightly different approach to your health, and we really believe that this is the future of healthcare once it’s been realized to it’s fullest potential. Wouldn’t you rather not become sick to begin with? Wouldn’t it be nice to know that you’re not going to the doctor as much? Wouldn’t it be nice to know that you were living to your fullest expression of health on a regular basis? Our bottom line is just that – we are here to help you become your most healthy, well, and awesome self; and the best way to do that means taking control over your health beyond just seeking care when you’re unwell.

In a perfect world, you’d come in for a few treatments and then you’d return home to a perfectly healthy lifestyle and never have any issues again…but that’s not the case is it? Life constantly throws things at us that knock us out of balance. So really the question is, how can you make the most of your treatments, and how can you integrate them into your life as a permanent lifestyle change that’s both beneficial to your health and cost-effective? And the answer to this is simple, work with us to create a treatment plan that is both health promoting and feasible for your schedule and your budget…and stick to it!

Does this scenario look familiar? You see your therapist regularly for a couple of months and you’re feeling great…so you decide to return back to your normal routine when you notice your pain is starting to return…but it’s just a little pain so you’ll ignore it and just hope it goes away on its own…then a month later you find yourself back where you started again and that’s when you call your therapist to come back in for appointments and you’re stuck having to come in regularly again to find relief.

This is why I always tell people that even after they’ve achieved relief, they should still try to come in again in a month or two to keep themselves in balance. This way we can strengthen your health to stay well and prevent a recurrence. At the very least, don’t wait until you’re in full-fledged relapse to come in again. It’s much easier (and more budget friendly!) to put out a small brush fire rather than putting out an entire forest fire!

So, the moral of the story is…allow yourself the opportunity to sneak away from the question of “how many treatments till I’m cured” and bring yourself to the question of “how can I integrate this into my lifestyle in a way that is going to make me stay healthy that I can still afford?” We’re on your side, and we’ll work with you on this!

Until next week, stay healthy my friends!e7b0771f7b0baa8d4a9fa369aa7042b0

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