Calming Your Inflamed Calendars

busy-calendar-help-orig2We’ve been talking about humidity, and inflammation and how to deal with it. I bet your schedules are starting to get ” inflamed” or “heated up” too, now that Back to School season has arrived! Those of you with school-going children are starting to shop and plan for all the activities you had a break from during summer; sports, clubs and meetings will be taking up the time you spent lounging at the pool or on the patio. Some of you are newly experiencing what it’s like to have children move out for college or jobs, which comes along with it’s own unique challenges.  And then there are those of you who are dealing with all of the above AND caring for your parents or over loved ones as well. Those schedules are getting full, and how are you going to handle it all?

First, breathe. Yes breathe – Consciously – In and out. Feel it, let the breath reach every part of your body. Now, you can begin to plan.

Second, ask for help. Not always an easy thing to do because we tend to think if we can’t do it all ourselves, we are a failure. NOT TRUE! Attempting to do it all is just tiring and stressful. If you are completely worn out, you aren’t going to do anyone any good, least of all yourself. Check into carpooling, dinner-making or sharing clubs, date-night babysitting exchanges; anything that opens up the possibility of easing the stress that comes with your life.

10250258_10151959577051021_6463286896438987778_nThird, put  “self-care” on your schedule and make it as “non-negotiable” as possible. Some options for self care should be anything that you love, or that makes you feel good such as: yoga, Qi Gong, massage, and acupuncture. All of these work on reducing the level of stress hormones in your body, increasing your sense of balance and resiliency. Massage and acupuncture are great monthly choices; yoga, Qi Gong, and exercise are super choices for weekly or even daily self-care. But it doesn’t have to even be something that requires an hour+ commitment outside of your home; simple things, like taking a stroll or some quiet time after dinner, are easier to incorporate. Getting outside and moving around will help you clear your mind. Bring the family with you if that is the only way to make it happen. Being creative is also a great stress reliever; journaling,reading, painting, thread or yarn crafts, or just plain old coloring are some ideas. (I must say that making a pillow and blanket fort and then coloring is WAY better than regular coloring!)

As your calendar gets inflated, putting your self-care plan into place will help deflate the stress in the long run.

photo 1Be well everybody! – Mary Pat Curran, LMT

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