To Spa, or Not to Spa?

13257_10152346354316021_1804106766594199952_nEveryone here in Kentucky knows the saying, “If you don’t like the weather, wait a bit, it will change.” Well, change it has. We have had some big ups and downs in the past few weeks. Many people have been coming complaining of allergies, some of which is true. Lets be real folks, it is Cold and Flu season. Don’t mistake the stuffed nose and slight tickle in your throat for just allergies. Take a moment to evaluate. Is it REALLY allergies? Or are you coming down with something larger?

If you think you may be sick, DO NOT cancel your Acupuncture appointments. Folks, that’s what we do here. It’s our Stream Point Acupuncturists (Hardin and Andrea) job to keep you healthy and get you better. That’s what they do! In fact, the sooner you can get in, the better. The moment that you begin to feel sick, give them a call. The first 12-36 hours is crucial. They can do their best work to prevent you from getting sick or actually getting worse in this window.

What about Massage? Should you get a massage if you are sick? Well, that’s a little bit more of tricky question. The first thing I would ask you is, “are you contagious?” If so, please stay home, or, better yet, see if you can get an acupuncture appointment instead. If you are not contagious, then let me tell you what might happen. Since massage affects every system in the body, there is the potential to accelerate movement within the body. What this means for you, is that there is a possibility, that if you get a massage while you have a cold, the cold could possibly move through you quicker. While this sounds like a magic cure to get well quickly, keep in mind that this also means that you could possibly get really sick, really fast. So, we leave that choice up to you.

Then there’s the last bit about exercise. Should you or shouldn’t you. The correct answer is both. You SHOULD NOT hit the gym and/or workout really intensely. However, going for a walk or doing some gentle yoga or Qi Gong to allow your body to move gently might be good for you. But, remember, you know your body best. Your body may actually be telling you to stay in bed and just rest. If that’s the case, then do it. Listen to yourself.

What can also be helpful, either after your light workout our yoga, is a hot shower. Toss a few drops of Tea Tree and Eucalyptus Essential oils onto a washcloth. Place the cloth in the bottom of the shower. Allow yourself to take deep breaths. This can help to improve your sinus’s, your circulation, and to keep you warm.






Mandy Kiley, LMT at Stream Point Wellness

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