Spring Cleaning

Spring is the time of rebirth, flowers, sunshine…and allergies. As a Lexington resident, chances are you’re accustomed to a stuffy and runny nose, but it doesn’t mean you should have to live with it! The combination of herbal remedies and acupuncture for allergy relief is a rapidly growing field, and is catching the attention of healthcare providers and researchers.

In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), humans (microcosm) are viewed as manifestations of the universe (macrocosm). What happens in the world, especially seasonal changes, significantly affects how we’re feeling. In TCM, each season is connected to an organ and spring is associated with the liver.  This means that in the early days of spring, the liver is especially vulnerable and can feel a little unbalanced during this transitional period.  Often times, this temporarily liver imbalance can manifest with symptoms of irritability, tension, indigestion, eye irritation and other frustrating symptoms like allergies! When we think about allergy symptoms, our minds go directly to the lungs, however spring allergy symptoms often result from the liver bullying the lung because it’s feeling imbalanced.  Therefore, to effectively treat allergies, acupuncture works on strengthening the lung while also harmonizing the liver.

Anytime you wish to treat yourself holistically, a multidimensional approach is best.  This means that regularly visiting an acupuncturist or other holistic healthcare provider is just one step.  Adjustments must be made in diet, fitness, and mental state to make the rebalancing process as smooth and effective as possible.

Nutritional Support

Most allergy symptoms are caused by inflammatory reactions, so avoiding inflammatory foods like dairy, wheat, sugar, alcohol, and caffeine is essential. In turn, nourishing your body with low-inflammatory foods will also help prevent allergy symptoms, and this is actually quite simple. Sticking to fresh and organic fruits and veggies and healthy water is your foundation. Specific examples of foods are dandelion greens, beetroot, cauliflowers, artichoke, flaxseed, garlic, and turmeric. Various natural remedies and supplements can help the liver, but consult with your healthcare provider first.

Lifestyle Support

  •   Neti Pots: if you’re struggling with chronic congestion or post-nasal drip, using a Neti Pot can help flush out your nose and sinuses.  Be sure to use boiled or distilled water to ensure no dangerous compounds are introduced into your nose.
  •   Stress management: Allergies are worse with stress (let’s face it, stress can make everything worse!) Invest energy in learning ways to relax and sustain balance.  Consider meditation, yoga or tai chi, and maintain regular fitness to keep circulation smooth and free flowing, and be sure to get quality sleep as often as possible.
  •   Other: Air Purifiers & safe cleaning products help you breathe clean air and prevent toxicity from harmful chemicals. If you want to be “au naturel”, there are plants that can serve as natural air purifiers.
  •   Scarves are not just for winter, so keep your neck covered on windy days (ask your acupuncturist why the neck is more vulnerable to wind and pathogens!)
  • *Mandy Kiley, LMT adds: “Take a teaspoon of Local Honey Daily. Get it as close to where you live as possible. Local Honey is made from Local Plants, the same plants causing you to cough and sneeze. Eating Local Honey may help you to build up natural antibodies to allergies.” *

So don’t resign yourself to dealing with your allergies, take action today and start to breathe cleaner!

-Andrea Johnston, L.Ac, Ener.Qi at Stream Point Wellness

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